“Let me introduce…me!”

Hi Sunshine!

I’m Jenn, The World Changers Coach.

I help world-changers (aka awesome humans like you!) move out of stuckness and soul-sucking jobs to make the impact they’re here to make.

Because you and I both know that there are some BIG TIME, amazing, positive changes to make around here. (And by ‘here’ I mean, planet earth). Yeah, that one.

But here’s what you might not realize:

It’s YOUR superpowers that the world needs.

And your mission (should you choose to accept it...) is to:

  1. Get clear on what those superpowers are, and then...

  2. Get yourself into the best situation to share them with the freaking WORLD. (No biggie, right?)


On the surface level, I help my clients quit crappy jobs and move into work that makes them feel like they’re living on purpose.

But beneath that, there’s SOOO much more going on.

I help you uncover your true superpowers that light you up. You’ll learn how to put them to use and help better the world in the process.

I help you get your life on the path that it’s meant to be on and that feels so right for you.

You get to do the kind of work that lights you up, harnesses your freaking superpowers, AND changes the WORLD.

(yep - all at the same time!)

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I wish I could say it was a straight line to this point, but it was anything but.

The one thing that has been consistent over the years is this: I’ve always wanted to help - no matter what I am involved in, it always comes back to helping others.

My experience working in human resources, workplace training, nonprofit organizations, and teaching, put me in the middle of the action to help others. But still, it always felt like I hadn’t fully uncovered my own superpowers. I wasn’t contributing in the way that I had always dreamt of.

Then one day, when I received a diagnosis that would affect my long-term health, I had to get real about how I’d choose to make the most of the energy available to me.

It took A LOT of work, patience, and tons of cupcakes, but I eventually realized that MY superpower was in guiding and supporting others to change the world in the way that only they can (people like you).

Now, I help people unstuck themselves from jobs that do NOT fit like the proverbial glove, realize their superpowers, listen to their gut, and move towards careers that light them up and allow them to make their mark.

Because it IS possible to break free from the grind of soul-sucking jobs and not fall completely apart doing it.

And not only is it possible...it’s you’re freaking PURPOSE to take the scary step, get clear about your deep-deep-down values and beliefs, and carve out your own path to doing what you’re meant to do in this world.

I say it with NOTHING BUT LOVE when I tell ya: every moment you spend holding yourself back from making the change you KNOW you’re here to make...the world is missing out. BIG TIME. (#nopressure)

NOW is the time to help change the world by going after what you were put here on earth to do.

And I’d love to be the one to help you get there!

Click below to learn more about how we can work together and get you moving towards more meaningful work.

(AKA - Work that freaking matters to you and the world).